Contact Us

If you would like to make an initial consultation or contact Anthony O’Driscoll please use the details below or complete this form.

Private consultations:
The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital
(Consulting and Operating)

Telephone: 01926 436311
Secretary's direct line: 01926 436346
After hours: 01926 427971
Facsimile: 01926 436346

Email: eyesurgeon@mac.com

NHS Consultations:
Warwick Hospital and Stratford Hospital

Secretary: 01926 495321 ext. 4502

If you wish, you may complete and send this form
Query Category: *
Are you a doctor, optician or healthcare professional making a referral?
Are you enquiring about the cataract surgery and consultation services offered by Anthony O’Driscoll?
Are you enquiring about the retinal surgery and consultation services offered by Anthony O’Driscoll?
Are you enquiring about other eye surgery and consultation services offered by Anthony O’Driscoll?
Name *
Email *
Telephone Number: *   Day *
Practice Name (if appropriate)
Post Code
Please indicate how you would like us to respond: *   Telephone
We may wish to contact you about eye surgery services we feel you may be interested in. If you do not wish to receive any such information please click here
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